Demcon investment annual report.
Demcon investment
annual report 2022.
After years of lockdowns, there was once again plenty of room and freedom to attend meetings, meet entrepreneurs and make contacts. In the fourth year of Demcon Investment’s life, a lot of attention arose from public and private investment funds, innovation platforms and incubators paid a lot of attention to our work. Partly because of this, Demcon Investment no less than 70 requests for technical and financial support, 6 of which translated into an actual investment.
Jemy Pauwels
a successful start.
Demcon investment has been actively involved in the investments domain over the past two years. In these two years I have devoted a lot of energy in structuring the investment business, making investments and pursuing an active management approach towards our company portfolio. Today, Demcon investment occupies a key position on the strategic agenda of the Demcon group and actively contributes to further growth.