MEANINGFUL ENTERPRISEmaking it specific and measurable.
CSV stands for Creating Shared Value. Value here relates to social issues, such as climate change, nutrition, health and safety. In the area of CSV, we have three focus points, each with two underlying themes:
Care for the planet
• CO2 neutral
• Sustainable design
Fit for the job
• Vitality
• Diversity & inclusion
Innovate to respond to social challenges
• Technological solutions with impact
• Start-ups & investments
This way we directly contribute to various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. We support our words with facts and figures to make our social impact measurable and quantitatively meaningful. In 2024, we will start preparations for the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in our reporting method. This European directive requires major businesses to draw up sustainability reports from 2024 onwards that will be included in the annual financial report (visit for more information).