Demcon Delft supports Project MARCH, a group of students working on the development and improvement of an exoskeleton for people with paraplegia. We support the team with financial support, engineering support and workshops.
This past weekend, several colleagues traveled to Switzerland to cheer on the team during the Cybathlon powered exoskeleton race. During this race, exoskeletons are tested on everyday obstacles. At the event we also saw other amazing things like: a Brain-Computer Interface Race, Vision Assistance Race and a wheelchair race!
We will continue to support the new team this year and, of course, help improve the exoskeleton for the coming years. We are proud to support the team, which makes impact through innovation, and we’re excited to see what the future holds for them!
Read more about project MARCH: Project MARCH
Read more about the Cybathlon: CYBATHLON | CYBATHLON ETH Zürich