At the beginning of December, Dutch company Mellon Medical received a significant grant from the Eurostars Program. The grant was awarded to support further research into the continued development of an innovative suturing instrument, the Switch suturing device. During the official ceremony held on 20 December in The Hague, the spotlight was put on all recipients of a Eurostars grant. Jan Benschop, CEO Mellon Medical was among the recipients: “Thanks to this grant we can take the first steps towards clinical trials with the Switch. We will continue development and will manufacture multiple prototypes. We can then start with the initial pre-clinical studies at Erasmus MC this year. This will become the first ‘small bites’ suturing instrument in the world that will enable surgeons to place sutures faster and more precisely. This will allow them to reduce incisional hernias in the abdominal wall after operations by 50%. That means reduced inconvenience for patients and therefore a better quality of life. Furthermore, it helps drastically reduce care costs.”
Demcon in involved for further development and production of this innovative suturing instrument. Read the entire press release of Mellon Medical on their website.