CO2 neutral.

The goal of the 2015 Paris Agreement is to ensure that the earth’s global warming is limited to 1.5 to 2.0 degrees Celsius. Pursuant to this agreement, EU member states have agreed to climate neutral by 2050. For the Netherlands, this means a 60% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030. Governments and companies are conforming to this goal. Demcon is also making its contribution to this.

setting and quantifying targets.

We make use of the Science Based Targets (SBT) to determine our CO2 targets. The SBT are objectives that ultimately result in achieving the targets agreed upon under the Paris Agreement. They identify the annual targeted percentage reduction required for this purpose. This is presented graphically, so that at a single glance you can see whether you are on track.

We calculate our CO2 emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol). The GHG Protocol divides the emissions into three scopes, depending on their origin:

  • Scope 1:
    All direct CO2 emissions from a company’s own business operations (generally measurable at the company’s business locations). For example, a company’s own gas consumption for cooling and heating buildings, business travel, etc.
  • Scope 2:
    The indirect emissions from purchased energy (electricity and direct heat supply). Using an emission factor, the quantity of electricity can be expressed in CO2 equivalents.
  • Scope 3:
    Other indirect emissions (generally not at the business locations themselves). For example, emissions within the chain, such as the use of purchased goods and services, waste water, commuting and the transport of residual products.


our current CO2 emissions

CO2 emissions (based on GHG Protocol):

  • 1,782 metric tons – CO2 emissions (total, total scope 1 and scope 2)
  • 2.28 metric tons – CO2 emissions per FTE (total scope 1 and 2)
  • Total CO2 emissions by scope:
    • Scope 1: 383 metric tons
    • Scope 2: 1,399 metric tons
    • Scope 3: 726 metric tons (not yet fully quantified, only includes commuting traffic)


our aims for 2023.

We are going to focus on those elements that emit the most CO2: the energy used in our buildings and transportation. Our overall CO2 target for 2023:

  • 5% reduction in our CO2 emissions per FTE (in accordance with scope 1 & 2 of the science-based targets)

We intend to achieve this target by initiating and implementing the following projects:

  • Optimizing our lighting and heating policy
  • Introducing the sustainable mobility policy
  • Investigating the migration to green electricity for energy contracts
  • Preparing for long-term reduction:
    • Set up measurement method for scope 3
    • Calculating various reduction scenarios
    • Developing five-year as well as twenty-year plan


mapping our carbon footprint.

In 2022, we identified our carbon footprint for scope 1 and 2 for our largest locations. We first wanted to know where we stood and how we were doing in comparison to other companies and sectors, before determining our targets. In this respect we reviewed our performance in terms of the energy consumed in our buildings, transportation, waste and water. For us our next steps are to include consumption in the chain (scope 3) and to expand measurements to our smaller locations.

Heat pump location Best

In the context of making our buildings further sustainable, we installed a heat pump at our location in Best at the end of 2022. This heat pump not only provides heat, it also helps cool our offices on hot days. As a result we have largely eliminated the consumption of gas at this location, which also results in much lower CO2 emissions.

BREEAM Outstanding

The new Demcon headquarters in Enschede has been built in accordance with the highest sustainability standards and was awarded the BREEAM certificate. This includes a review of aspects such as the use of materials, waste processing and the building’s energy performance. Sustainability was taken into consideration in numerous ways, both visible and hidden from view. For example, the roof is completely covered with a total of 80 solar panels, a heat pump has been installed, and recycled or reusable materials were used. Also the Demcon Technology Center also obtained the BREEAM Outstanding certificate upon completion.

BREEAM In-use certification

For the larger Demcon buildings (Demcon Technology Center and Demcon Innovation Center in Enschede, and the Demcon buildings in Best, Delft and Groningen), Demcon was awarded the BREEAM In-Use certification ‘Good’. When the Demcon Technology Center was handed over, 915 solar panels had been installed. In the fall of 2022, this number was further increased to 1,005 panels (+90). The extra panels were installed at the same time that the solar panels were installed on the roof of the new Demcon headquarters in Enschede.

More hybrid and electric cars

Demcon has a leased car regulation. Employees who qualify under these regulations can opt for an electric car. The current Demcon pool cars are not electric. Part of the pool cars is due for replacement. Due to the distances between the various Demcon branches and the limited operating radius of fully electric cars combined with long charging times, Demcon has decided to replace the existing pool cars with hybrid models. The delivery of these cars was scheduled for February 2022, but unfortunately this was delayed until February 2023.

Demcon charging stations

In the context of our sustainable mobility policy, we are currently working on providing all Demcon locations with a sufficient number of charging stations for electric cars. This is why charging stations, each with two chargers, have recently been installed at our location in Best and at our new headquarters (DHQ) in Enschede. These have now been installed at our locations in Best (6), Enschede DHQ (4) and Enschede DIC (2). At our Enschede DTC location, the municipality of Enschede has installed 4 charging stations. Charging stations for Delft are planned for 2023/2024.

Reusable mugs

Starting in 2024, plastic disposable cups and meal packaging will no longer be permitted at the office. Reusable mugs and plates will become the norm. This is to further prevent environmental pollution and ‘plastic soup’. Our current coffee and teacups are being recycled, but contain residual plastics and in view of the new legislation must be replaced.

At Demcon we are working on making preparations for the partial switchover from coffee and tea mugs to porcelain mugs. Ahead of the changing laws and regulations concerning disposable cups, we are preparing a phased switchover to mugs.

Sustainable mobility policy

Demcon is working on a sustainable mobility policy. With this policy we aim to make a contribution to various issues, such as:
• Reducing CO2 emissions;
• Solving parking issues;
• Greening outdoor spaces;
• Promoting employee fitness.

To create an effective policy and to make the right choices, we internally sent out a survey in the fall of 2022. On the basis of this survey we acquired better insight into commuting habits and colleagues’ wishes in this area. A total of 663 colleagues completed the questionnaire. We will use the results to further shape our mobility policy.