''unconscious incompetence.''
I consider it important for everyone to feel welcome, regardless of background, belief, sexual orientation and the like. You are one of us and we are all in it together. I have the feeling that Demcon would like to address this and understands its necessity. However, we are not yet very active in this area. We are still unconsciously incompetent and that offers many opportunities.

engaging in dialogue.
- 14% women in technical positions
- 25 nationalities
- Education level breakdown:
- 11% Doctorate
- 48% university education
- 29% university of applied sciences education
- 10% senior secondary vocational education
- 2% secondary education
In 2023, there were no significant changes in our workforce from a diversity perspective. However, we did actively work on raising people’s awareness of the themes of diversity and inclusion. We realized this as follows:
- Launched a focus group on diversity & inclusion
- Collaboration with several municipalities and organizations with regard to people with a distance from the labor market
- Participation in networking groups (Future of Twente, Fe+Male Tech Heroes)
- Concrete actions taken by this focus group:
- Lunch lecture Cultural Awareness and lecture ‘Getting rid of mindbugs’
- Start Conversation Club to help our international colleagues learn the Dutch language.
- Start Social Buddy program: colleagues share their experiences and help each other feel at home at Demcon.
- Revised the tone of the ‘Working at Demcon’ website
- Raising awareness of Pride Month and Coming Out Day
2024 objectives.
our aims for 2024.
- 2% more diverse workforce (age/generations, gender, education, nationality, distance from the labor market)
- A pleasant work environment for all, where people feel appreciated and can be themselves.
We intend to achieve these targets by initiating and implementing the following projects:
- Concrete actions by the focus group diversity & inclusion:
- Workshops/lectures/training/roundtable discussions
- Follow-up for the mentor program relating to diversity and inclusion (social buddy program)
- Follow-up for the Conversation Club, international get-togethers and raising awareness of Pride Month and Coming Out Day
- Library at various locations
- Joining networking groups centered around diversity (e.g. Future of Twente, Fe+Male Tech Heroes)
- Establishing and working with Demcon Leadership Compass with a focus on fostering an inclusive and safe work environment
- Follow-up for the collaboration with municipalities and organizations with regard to people with a distance from the labor market
- Incorporating aforementioned KPIs in the HR dashboard and defining the steering methodology

Conversation Club
At Demcon, we have a lot of international colleagues and English is spoken in many places throughout the organization. However, to learn the Dutch language, it helps to speak Dutch with colleagues from time to time. It is nice to have the time and the opportunity to do so. This inspired us to introduce the Conversation Club in March of 2023. The Conversation Club is a recurring informal gathering during which our Dutch and international colleagues talk to each other in Dutch. This is an easy way for our international colleagues to practice and improve their Dutch language skills.

Social buddy program
In 2023, we introduced our internal Social Buddy program: colleagues talk to each other about everyday social experiences that may affect their work. Think of e.g. experiences with regard to their work-life balance, such as providing informal care or parenthood, or finding their way as an international colleague in a Dutch organization. Several colleagues have volunteered as social buddy coaches. They do not replace the role of the supervisor or the HR department. Instead, they share their personal experiences with their colleagues, while improving their own mentorship skills at the same time.

Socially safe working environment
At Demcon we consider it important that our working environment is perceived as safe by our employees. This is an environment in which colleagues interact with each other with respect, are able to be themselves, are allowed to make mistakes and are able to optimally contribute their workmanship. We do not accept transgressive behavior, regardless of form or who displays it. To ensure inappropriate behavior does not have a chance to manifest itself we have developed an ‘inappropriate forms of behavior’ action plan and have made information about confidential advisors more clearly visible internally. We also offer training sessions about giving and receiving feedback.

Being open to discussion
Demcon has a focus group for the theme of diversity & inclusion. This focus group consists of colleagues who consider diversity & inclusion important and would like to open it up for discussion. This focus group has come up with several concrete actions. For example, they are taking the initiative to organize various workshops and lectures. In addition, an idea has been put forward to start up round-table discussions at our various locations and to set up a small library at each location with relevant books on diversity and inclusion. We would like to start up a discussion on this topic. After all, it is important that holding each other accountable for certain things is accepted.

Lactation and silence room
A lactation room is available at various Demcon locations. Colleagues can also reserve this room as a silence room to pray. This way we offer employees the possibility of praying at work in a closed off and quiet space at work.

Equal employment opportunities
On our working-at-Demcon website we devote attention to diversity and inclusion. We explicitly mention that we attach value to having an enjoyable workplace where you feel welcome and appreciated and where you can be yourself. And that we offer everyone equal employment, development and work opportunities. We will be devoting more attention to this in our other recruitment activities. We offer young people the opportunity of becoming familiar with engineering and technology. We endeavor to look beyond the piece of paper someone may have earned and focus instead on their potential.