diversity & inclusion.
We stimulate a pleasant and safe working environment in which our employees feel appreciated and can be themselves. Diversity and inclusion often are tackled as a single theme within organizations. We also do this at Demcon. Yet each has a different meaning. Inclusion concerns the open, respectful culture you aim to create as an organization. A culture in which everyone can be themselves. Diversity concerns the aim of creating a diverse organization in terms of gender, age, origin, religious convictions and the like.
We believe it is important to discuss about diversity and inclusion and to create awareness. The areas of gender, education and ethnicity are our first focus points.
Josée Kleibeuker
''unconscious incompetence.''
I consider it important for everyone to feel welcome, regardless of background, belief, sexual orientation and the like. You are one of us and we are all in it together. I have the feeling that Demcon would like to address this and understands its necessity. However, we are not yet very active in this area. We are still unconsciously incompetent and that offers many opportunities.
engaging in dialogue.
- 18% women in technical positions
- 22 nationalities
- Education level breakdown:
- 11% Doctorate
- 48% university education
- 29% university of applied sciences education
- 10% senior secondary vocational education
- 2% secondary education
our aims for 2023.
- + 2 percentage point better balanced teams:
For example:
- + 2 percentage point women in technical (and associated) positions
- + 2 percentage point men in departments with a majority of women (management and support departments)
- Doubling of colleagues with a distance from the labor market (from 3 to 6)
We intend to achieve these targets by initiating and implementing the following projects:
- Startup internal network/core team and give it an active role
- Specific actions by this network/core team:
- Workshops/lectures/training/roundtable discussions (incl. lecture and workshop ‘Getting rid of mind bugs’ and lecture: Cultural awareness)
- Mentor program relating to diversity and inclusion (social buddy program)
- Setting the tone for recruitment
- Library at various locations