Manufacturing companies are constantly confronted with new challenges. Their machines...
from machine builder to service provider.
Investments in advanced machines are constantly increasing, while their economic service life is becoming increasingly unpredictable. This is why users want to pay for actual use. We develop concepts for this purpose together with leasing companies and financial institutions. Machine data is required for (digital) services, such as pay-per-use and predictive maintenance. We offer comprehensive solutions for this purpose, including sensors, connectivity and software.
"we support new payment and management models."
As machine builder we no longer limit ourselves to developing, building and supplying smart machines. We can remain involved in the machine’s operation and maintenance throughout its entire service life. We use customized payment models and maintenance contracts for this purpose. This way we offer manufacturers the highest possible availability and productivity of their equipment.
Thijs Rupert
more market segments.
advanced manufacturing
digital factory
Digitalization is one of the foundations of Smart Industry; it ensures that machine and...
flexible manufacturing
Batches are becoming smaller and product variations are increasing in various...
smart working/ production
Automation and digitalization do not mean that people disappear from...