Manufacturing companies are constantly confronted with new challenges. Their machines...
combining the best of both worlds.
There are many reasons for automating and robotizing production processes. Things that come to mind include costs, quality, speed and safety. Still, in many production processes people continue to be indispensable and more efficient. Their plus points come best to the fore when combined with modern technology. Robots that work safely with people are able to perform tasks more efficiently. Virtual/augmented reality supports operators in performing complex tasks faster and more efficiently. We combine these technologies with artificial intelligence to help companies optimally deploy employees in production environments.
"we enable people to work more effectively."
As highly developed, multi-deployable and intelligent beings, people have special characteristics. These characteristics are indispensable for the effective and efficient execution of all kinds of complex tasks in industrial production. We add our expertise of modern technologies to this. This way we help companies make smart use of the unique capabilities of their employees.
Erik Heijdens
more market segments.
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